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Fourth Political Theory
Ethnosociology (methods, principles, doctrines)
Geoplitics & IR
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Live (English)
Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Europe, China & Multi-Polarity...
Panchenko vs Dugin: "Ukraine. Putin. Peace."
Putin’s Brain: A Rare Interview w/ Prof. Dugin
Alexander Dugin on Trump, Elon, and the Rise of a Civilizationalist World!!!
How Does Russia Define Victory in Ukraine?: With Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin
"We Need DOGE for Russia:" Analyst Alexander Dugin on Russia's Establishment Problem
"The Globalists are the Racists:" Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin on the Loss of Cultural Identities
Why Russia Expelled USAID Long Ago: With Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin
Is Russia an Authoritarian Regime?: Glenn Asks Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin in Moscow
Was Trump Ever Really Putin's Puppet? Key Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin on Russiagate Hoax
Why Russia Justifies Its War Against Ukraine: With Key Russian Analyst Alexander Dugin
New video
Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Europe, China & Multi-...
Panchenko vs Dugin: "Ukraine. Putin. Peace."
Putin’s Brain: A Rare Interview w/ Prof. Dugin
Alexander Dugin on Trump, Elon, and the Rise of a...
How Does Russia Define Victory in Ukraine?: With Russian...
"We Need DOGE for Russia:" Analyst Alexander...
"The Globalists are the Racists:" Russian Analyst...
Why Russia Expelled USAID Long Ago: With Russian Analyst...
Is Russia an Authoritarian Regime?: Glenn Asks Russian...
Was Trump Ever Really Putin's Puppet? Key Russian...
Why Russia Justifies Its War Against Ukraine: With Key...
The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin...
A dialogue between experts: After three years of war (...
ZELENSKY IS FINISHED — Dugin Digital Edition
Alex Jones Talks With Alexander Dugin : The World Has Just...
Trump, Putin, and Yalta 2.0 — Dugin Digital Edition
The Backlash - Ep. 14 - Spotlight on South Africa |...
Interview with Alexander Dugin for Press TV
1-st Global Conference on Multipolarity (29.04.2023)
The Global Conference on Multipolarity
Video message by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to...
Speech by Maria Zakharova at the Global Conference on...
Alexander Dugin's speech at the global Conference on...
Speech by Konstantin Malofeev at the Global Conference on...
Thoughts during the Plague (A.Dugin)
Thoughts during the Plague № 1. Black vengence of light god.
Thoughts during the Plague № 2. End of globalization
Thoughts during the plague № 3. Closed national economy and...
Thoughts during the plague № 4. Plague and Dasein
M.Millerman Seminars on Noomakhia/4TP/Philosophy/Sociology
Interview with Alexander Dugin (Philosophy, 4PT, Education...
Michael Millerman on Alexander Dugin’s Populism
Dugin for dummies
Introduction to Alexander Dugin's Noomakhia (4PT,...
Noomakhia Session 2 (The Historial, Becoming Platonists,...
Ethnosociology (methods, principles, doctrines)
Ethnosociology lecture 1. Introduction
Ethnosociology Lecture 2. The German school.
Ethnosociology. Lecture 3. The American school
Ethnosociology. Lecture 4. English School
Ethnosociology. Lecture 5. French School
Chinese lectures (Shanghai - Beijing)
Dugin's Shanghai Lecture1 IR 讲座 国际关系
Shanghai Lecture 2 Geopolitics 地缘政治
Shanghai Lecture 3 Multipolarity, unipolarity, hegemony 多极...
Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization...
Shanghai Dugin's Lecture. Theory of Multipolar World...
Noomakhia (Three Logos and World Civilizations)
Noomachia (Serbia 2018) Lecture 1. Introduction
Noomachia (Serbia 2018) Lecture 2. Geosophy
Noomachia (Serbia 2018) Lecture 3. Logos of Indo-european...
Noomachia (Serbia 2018) Lecture 4. Logos of Cybele
Noomachia (Serbia 2018) Lecture 5. Logos of Dionysus
Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy (Jay Dyer)
Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 1
Numbers Prove God - Defense of Metaphysics &...
Hidden Metaphysics - Logos and Logoi
N I H I L I S M - Root of the Revolution - Fr Seraphim Rose
Ten Commandments of Globalism
Fourth Political Theory (Congress 2020)
First online Conference First online Conference on Fourth...
Congress on Fourth Political Theory (2020). Part 1....
Congress on Fourth Political Theory (2020). Part 2. Asia,...
Congress on Fourth Political Theory (2020). Part 3. Europe
Congress on Fourth Political Theory (2020). Part 4. America
Review: Last War of the World-Island by Alexander Dugin
Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth...
Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The...
Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
Shanghai Dugin's Lecture 2 GEOPOLITICS 地缘政治
Traditionalism as a Theory: Sophia, Plato and the Event -...
René Guénon: The Reign of Quantity & The Signs of the...
Frithjof Schuon - On his Philosophy
Seyyed Hossein Nasr Religion, Metaphysics, Philosophy,...
Seyyed Hossein Nasr Religion, Metaphysics, Philosophy,...
Editors' choice
The Metaphysics of the Warrior: philosophy by way of the...
Dugin’s Expertise: what does the world government want
Ontology and anthropology of the theater - intro lecture (...
Psychology of superstrong personality
Old Believers series
Old Believers series, ep. 1 - introduction
Old Believers series, ep. 2: Baptism of Rus, Isidore of...
Old Believers series, ep. 3: Stoglav Council of 1551
Old Believers series, ep. 4: Tsar, Third Rome and the Greeks
Patriarch Nikon - Saint or Heretic? Old Believers series,...
Chisinau Forum
Aleksandr Dugin’s speech at the third edition of Chisinau...
Levan Vasadze (Georgia): The challenges of modern...
Dugin: 4 political theory, populism VS liberalism
Yuri Roshka: For a common destiny of the peoples of Eurasia
Avva Isidor (Mount Athos) The concept of political hesychasm
Dugin: Political Speeches, Interviews, Debates
John Mearsheimer vs Alexander Dugin: All You Need to Know...
Alex Jones Talks With Alexander Dugin : The World Has Just...
Panchenko vs Dugin: "Ukraine. Putin. Peace."
Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Europe, China & Multi-...
The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin...
The Debates that set the trends
Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21...
Stephen Bannon vs Bernard-Henri Lévy
Competing Ideologies (Dugin/Fukuyama debates on TV)
Zero Tolerance: Steven Bannon Interview | FRONTLINE
Dugin in online conferences (2020)
Noomachia, the Internet and the End of Modernity with...
Aleksandr Dugin - JML #080
EBL 37: Political Platonism Part 2 (Q & A with Dugin)
EBL 36: Political Platonism (with special guest Aleksandr...
On Donald Trump and the Fourth Political Theory (October...
Philosophy of Politics
Carl Schmitt and the Development of Conservative State...
Millerman Talks #19: Carl Schmitt, The Concept of The...
EBL 13: Carl Schmitt "Political Theology" (with...
Prelude to EBL 14: Jacques Derrida "The Politics of...
Euro Bureau of Literaturo (USA)
EBL 1: Alain de Benoist "Manifesto for a European...
EBL 2: Nietzsche "On the Use and Abuse of History for...
EBL 4: Martin Heidegger "On the Essence of Truth"
EBL 6: Gilles Deleuze "Postscript on Societies of...
EBL 9: Geopolitics: Lean Back or Push Forward?
Dugin's Lectures
Ontology and anthropology of the theater - intro lecture (...
Dugin’s Expertise: The Inverted World on the Threshold of...
Psychology of superstrong personality
Lectures in Athens
Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
Fourth Political Theory (introduction, presentation, development)
Review: The Fourth Political Theory by Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory - Guided Interpretation (...
The Fourth Political Theory by Aleksandr Dugin - JF Gariépy...
A Story Club: Global Cultures: Fourth Political Theory”
Congress on Fourth Political Theory (2020). Part 1....
Dugin on Iran
Coronavirus, Iran and global world order (2020)
Dugin's interview for Iranian journalist
Islamic Philosophy
Absolute Truth: Mother Russia, The Final Empire & Dugin...
The Messiah, The Imam, And Akhir Al Zaman
Talk with Russia’s Leading Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin...
Dajjal The False Messiah (Dr. Imran Hossein)
Islam & The West - Moscow State University. (Dr. Imran...
Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit? Online conference
Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit? Lecture 1. Radical...
Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit? Dugin: why there is...
Luca Siniscalco. Radical Subject - traditionalism and...
Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit? Jafe Arnold (USA)...
Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit? Manfred Gawlina (...
Mysteries of Eurasia
Mysteries of Eurasia - Continent Russia (Part 1/3)
Mysteries of Eurasia - Continent Russia (Part 2/3)
Mysteries of Eurasia - Continent Russia (Part 3/3)
The Secret of Eurasia: The Key to Hidden History and World...
This is Part 1 of the article, The Secret of Eurasia: The...
Theory of Multipolar World
Building True Multipolarity: The 4th Political Theory w/...
Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth...
The Point: China, Russia 'struggling against Western...
Shanghai Lecture 3 Multipolarity, unipolarity, hegemony 多极...
Shanghai Dugin's Lecture. Theory of Multipolar World...
Chad A. Haag Lectures on philosophy
Aleksandr Dugin Fourth Political Theory Lecture by Chad A...
René Guénon East & West Lecture One
René Guénon & Traditionalism Crisis Of The Modern World...
René Guénon Introduction to the Study of the Hindu...
The Philosophy of Julius Evola Revolt Against the Modern...
Tradition/4PT/Trends - Interviews
Aleksandr Dugin on Liberalism, Traditionalism & the 4th...
Tradition/4PT January 2021 interview with Yiftach Ofek (...
Multipolarity vs Unipolarity - interview with Alexander...
Great Reset - interview with Alexander Markovicz for...
Fourth political theory in Iraq
Radical Subject, traditionalism, metaphysics - audio chapters from Dugin's books
Hegel and the Platonic Leap Down - Alexander Dugin
Traditionalism as a Language - Alexander Dugin
Postmodernity and Black Miracles - Alexander Dugin
Radical Object: the necro-ontology of Dark Enlightenment (...
The Noology of the Ancient Chinese Tradition - Alexander...
Inside the Mind of a Human Predator (Nina Kuprianova)
The Anatomy of an Axe Murderer | Dostoyevsky's Crime...
The Russian Othello's Jealous Rage | True Crime |...
The Psychopath in European Fables and Fairy Tales
Bluebeard: The "Classic" Serial Killer (...
After The End Of History: With Austrian Journalist...
Choice of Bannon's War Room episodes
Bellingcat for Dummies … Taxpayer-Funded NGOs Ruin the...
Populism in My Backyard … How to Win Back Your Community...
The CCP Using Artificial Intelligence to Create New Humans
America On Its Knees
Perfect Metaphor for America on its Knees
Pop Culture and The Signs of the Times
Dante Alighieri: the cancelled genius of Europe (DoD 25.05...
DECAMERON | Alexander Dugin: Too Old to Die Young
Millennials - the last humans
Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone with A.Dugin:...
European Geopolitics
EBL 9: Geopolitics: Lean Back or Push Forward?
From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics - Alexander Dugin
Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
Millerman School Dugin Course
Millerman School Dugin Course: To Be or Not To Be? (...
Dugin 4PT: The Birth of the Concept (Chapter 1)
Dugin 4PT: Dasein as an Actor (Chapter 2)
Dugin 4PT: Critique of Monotonic Processes and The...
Dugin 4PT: The Global Transition and its Enemies (Chapter 5)
Special military operation in Ukraine
The geopolitical background of the conflict in Ukraine (03/...
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Daria Dugina's interview with a foreign experts about Plato's philosophy. XXVI International Plato Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2018
Luc Brisson. XXVI International Plato Conference. Saint...
Dr. Detlef von Daniels. XXVI International Plato Conference...
John A. Dudley. XXVI International Plato Conference. Saint...
Debra Nails. XXVI International Plato Conference. Saint...
Barbara Sattler's. XXVI International Plato Conference...
Panafricanisme: identity, geopolitics, Empire
Runoko Rashidi on The Rock Newman Show
When Blacks Ruled The Planet Runoko Rashidi 2017
Dr. Runoko Rashidi ... 2013 Presentation Kemet In The Desert
Dr. Runoko Rashidi. Who is the original man
Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop discusses the African origin of...
Russia and Africa: The Contours Of A Multipolar World And The Ideology Of Traditionalism
Speech by Abdi Nurre Siyad at the Russia and Africa: The...
Speech by Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad at the Russia and...
Speech by Abdulqadir Nur Arale at the Russia and Africa:...
Speech by Alexander Bovdunov at the Russia and Africa: The...
Speech by Daher Ahmed Farah at the Russia and Africa: The...
1-st European Conference on Multipolarity (04.09.2023)
The European Conference on Multipolarity 04.09.2023
Speech by Maria Zakharova at the European Conference on...
Alexander Dugin's speech at the European Conference on...
Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on...
Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on...
Daria Dugina: The Traditionalism, The Philosophy and The Russian World
Eurosiberia Podcast #47: Daria Dugina’s Radical Life
World Premiere of the Scenic Cantata for Daria Dugina
The Poor Subject - Daria Dugina
Post-politics vs. existential politics - Daria Dugina
The novel Laurus as a manifesto of Russian traditionalism...
James Kourtides discusses key sections of Daria Platonova Dugina’s Eschatological Optimism
Eschatological Optimism: Athos and the Feminine Principle
Hierarchy and the Holy
The War of the Sexes: Gender and the Creation of the...
Eschatological Optimism: Woman and Tradition
The Awakening of the Angel
2-st Global Conference on Multipolarity (26.02.2024)
Second Congress of International Russophile Movement takes...
Opening speech by Konstantin Malofeev at the Multipolarity...
Speech by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria...
Multipolar Humanity : Alexander Dugin’s speech at the...
Plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow
Plenary session of Second Congress of International...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at plenary...
Interviews with guests at the 2nd International Russophile Movement Congress in Moscow
Interview with the Guest Sheikh Imran Hosein at the 2nd...
Interview with the Guest Jeff Monson at the 2nd...
Interview with the Guest Pepe Escobar at the 2nd...
Interview with the Guest Hamza Idris at the 2nd...
Interview with the Guest Joseph Rose at the 2nd...
Multipolar Forum: Section «Global South. Changes in the global architecture»
Global South. Changes in the global architecture
The opening speech by Pepe Escobar to the participants of...
Speech by Atul Aneja on the section of "Global South:...
Speech by Zeinab Mehanna on the section of "Global...
Speech by Peter Owiti on the section of "Global South...
Multipolar Forum: Section «The West after hegemony. Is it possible to save the European civilization?»
Speech by Lorenzo Maria Pacini on the section of "The...
Speech by Prof. Dr. Erdem İlker Mutlu on the section of...
Speech by Conrad Franz on the section of "The West...
Speech by Blas Piñar Gutierrez on the section of "The...
Speech by James-Kisito NGUEMA on the section of "The...
The 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)
Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF...
The Cultural Basis Of Brics. Can Brics Become A Common...
Polycentricity: The Norm Of A Future World Without Colonies...
The Greater Eurasian Partnership As A New Pole Of Growth:...
Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF 2024
Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF...
Opening speech by Alexander Dugin in the session: ‘...
Speech by Maria Zakharova in the session: Philosophy and...
Speech by Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela in the session:...
Speech by Konstantin Malofeev in the session: Philosophy...
Southeast Asia in a Multipolar World — Eastern Economic Forum 2024 (4.09.2024)
Southeast Asia in a Multipolar World — Eastern Economic...
Opening speech by Alexander Dugin at the Southeast Asia in...
Speech by Vinay Kumar at the Southeast Asia in a Multipolar...
Speech by Zhang Weiwei at the Southeast Asia in a...
Speech by Konstantin Malofeev at the Southeast Asia in a...
Alexander Dugin in India
Sputnik India Hosts Round Table on BRICS & New World...
AKHAND BHARAT - Alexander Dugin
अलेक्जेंडर डुगिन Exclusive || Har Khabar
Aleksandr Dugin says its Trump, Modi, Putin & Xi Moment...
Aleksandr Dugin on Biden's Desperation to Block Trump’...
Dugin Digital Edition - Sputnik International
Trump’s Taking The SLEDGEHAMMER To Globalism — Dugin...
Trump, Putin, and Yalta 2.0 — Dugin Digital Edition
ZELENSKY IS FINISHED — Dugin Digital Edition
The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Ukraine, Russia, and Globalism | SYSTEM UPDATE #414
The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin...
Why Russia Justifies Its War Against Ukraine: With Key...
Was Trump Ever Really Putin's Puppet? Key Russian...
Is Russia an Authoritarian Regime?: Glenn Asks Russian...
Why Russia Expelled USAID Long Ago: With Russian Analyst...
Humanity is a Lodge
The Curse of William Okham. His razor is damned
Africa Liberation Day is yet to come (DoD 25.05.2021)
Dante Alighieri: the cancelled genius of Europe (DoD 25.05.2021)
Events in Palestine: the End is closer than ever (DoD 22.05.2021)
Dugin’s Expertise: The Inverted World on the Threshold of Demonic Reality
Drain the Swamp
Donald Trump's Victory
Revolutionary Terror
Europe: War Mechanism Launched
Millerman speech
The Ancient Roots of the Tech Right/Trad Right Split
Michael Millerman: Who is Alexander Dugin?
Can computers understand? — Michael Millerman
Curtis Yarvin and JD Vance — Michael Millerman
JD Vance and the Right — Michael Millerman
Dugin | El mundo revoluciona (Parte II) | World Revolution
Alexander Dugin | El mundo revoluciona | World revolution...
Aleksandr Dugin || Conversation on his Fourth Political...
Dugin for dummies
Kesh Politics Prof Alexandr Dugin (Political Platonism)
China, Russia 'struggling against Western hegemony...
Dugin on TRT (Turkish national interests)
Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone with A.Dugin:...
We have our special Russian truth (BBC)
Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21...
Interview with Gholamreza Avani
Interview with Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad
Интервью Александра Дугина с Фрэнсисом Фукуямой
The Messiah, The Imam, And Akhir Al Zaman
Sohrab Ahmari with Jack Murphy Live
EBL 13: Carl Schmitt "Political Theology" (with...