Dugin for dummies

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Michael Millerman on Alexander Dugin, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidegger - Jack Murphy Live Podcast


THE FOURTH POLITICAL THEORY Michael Millerman, PhD is the leading English language expert on Alexander Dugin. Together he and I explore Dugin's Fourth Political Theory, a controversial, novel, and challenging notion of politics, philosophy, and knowledge. It is said Dugin has Putin's ear, so if you want to understand geo-politics today, you must understand Dugin. We take you through his theories step-by-step. "Dugin for Dummies" is a must listen!

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M.Millerman Seminars on Noomakhia/4TP/Philosophy/Sociology

Millerman Talks is a show about Political Philosophy and Political Theory, hosted by Michael Millerman.

Topics include: Leo Strauss on the Noble Lie, Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of Another Beginning, Alexander Dugin and the Fourth Political Theory, Plato's Laws, Right-Wing Anti-Liberalism, and more.

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