Год издания: 2024
Political Platonism & the Dark EnlightenmentГод издания: 2019
All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy; the second is Marxism; and the third is fascism. The...Год издания: 2019
Ethnosociology: The Foundations is a systematic presentation of the main principles and analytic strategies of the discipline of ethnosociology, written by Alexander Dugin, one of the major Russian...Год издания: 2019
Alexander Dugin, Noomakhia – The Semites: Monotheism of the Moon and the Gestalt of Ba’al (Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)Год издания: 2019
According to Prof Alexander Dugin, Vladimir Putin stands at a crossroads. Throughout his career as the President of Russia, Putin has attempted to balance two opposing sides of his political nature:...Год издания: 2019
Alexander Dugin, Noomakhia – The Hamites: The Civilization of the African North (Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)Год издания: 2019
Alexander Dugin, Noomakhia – Wars of the Mind: The Logos of Turan – The Indo-European Ideology of the Verticle (Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)Год издания: 2019
The Philosophy of Politics Alexander Dugin’s Political Platonism offers a seminal analysis of the contemporary philosophical crisis from one of the best-known writers and political commentators...Год издания: 2019
Alexander Dugin, Noomakhia: The Germanic Logos – Apophatic Man (Moscow: Academic Project, 2015)Год издания: 2019
According to Alexander Dugin, the twenty-first century will be defined by the conflict between Eurasianists and Atlanticists. The Eurasianists defend the need for every people and culture on Earth to...Год издания: 2019
Alexander Dugin, Noomakhia – The Russian Logos I – The Kingdom of Land: The Structure of Russian Identity (Moscow: Academic Project, 2019)