Kemi Seba: Le globalisme néolibéral: ultime forme du colonialisme (Fr)
Que la paix soit sur vous tous,
Commençons par le commencement, j’adresse mes profondes salutations à mon camarade de lutte Alexandre Douguine, et à sa fille. Que la paix soit sur elle, là où elle est. Je sais qu’elle nous observe profondément dans le combat quotidien que nous menons. Ma petite sœur de lutte Daria Douguina qui a dédié sa vie, afin de faire avancer la cause de la multipolarité et de la souveraineté des peuples dans leur globalité.
Nous menons un combat vous le savez, sur le continent africain, dans la diaspora africaine, visant à permettre aux populations africaines de trouver leur autodétermination, de trouver leur ultime souveraineté. Nos aïeuls ont lutté contre le colonialisme, puis contre le néocolonialisme, et nous rencontrons aujourd’hui en ce début de XXIème siècle, l’ultime forme du colonialisme. La forme la plus prédatrice, la forme la plus criminel, la forme la plus génocidaire, parce que c’est une forme génocidaire culturellement, spirituellement, politiquement, économiquement. Cette ultime forme du colonialisme, c’est le globalisme néolibéral sur le terrain économique et sur le terrain sociétal. Et c’est ce qui fait que nous nous retrouvons aujourd’hui à marcher aux côtés de tous ceux qui luttent contre ce globalisme qui est une pieuvre, un cancer qui veut tous nous asphyxier. Quelles que soient nos couleurs de peau, quels que soient nos origines, quels que soient nos peuples, nous sommes tous confronter aux diverses tentacules de cette pieuvre qui veut nous uniformiser dans le cadre du gouvernement mondial qu’ils veulent essayer d’instaurer.
Le combat que nous menons sur le continent africain est un combat, au commencement qui été contre le néocolonialisme français, mais nous nous sommes rendu compte que le néocolonialisme français faisait partie d’un système oligarchique bien plus grand, bien plus profond, qui est installé du côté des Etats-Unis. Un système qui veut uniformiser l’humanité, qui veut lui imposer une façon de vivre, une façon de penser, un Way of Life profondément occidentalisé. L’occident dans sa dimension physique, que nous connaissons, mais surtout dans sa dimension métaphysique c’est-à-dire éloigné, déconnecté de la connaissance de la tradition. Ce qui nous permettra de nous lever, ce qui nous permettra de nous libérer, ça sera l’unité des divers peuples enraciné, inséré profondément dans leur identité.
L’oligarchie occidentale pense que son Way of Life doit être accepté, adapté par tous les peuples. Mais il y a un certain nombre de gens, en Chine avec Zhang Weiwei que je salue, Alexandre Dougine en Russie, et nous autres sur le continent africain, et tant d’autres aussi, qui ont décidé d’imposer une autre façon de faire, une façon de faire adaptée sur la corrélation entre la tradition primordiale, la compréhension de la tradition primordiale liée à nos identités respectives, alliée plus que jamais avec une compréhension de la géostratégie. Car on ne peut pas comprendre la réalité des tensions dans le monde matériel si on ne comprend pas la dimension immatérielle. Notre peuple, sur le continent africain est confronté à un monstre à plusieurs têtes, mais à un seul cœur. Ce cœur c’est l’oligarchie qui se trouve basé du côté des Etats-Unis. Et cette pieuvre-là, tant que nous n’aurons pas fini avec cette dernière, elle n’asphyxiera pas que nous, elle asphyxiera tous les peuples de l’humanité, dans leur ensemble. Soyons organisé, soyons connecté, comprenons les enjeux. Comprenons que ce qui se passe matériellement est lié à ce qui se passe sur le terrain de l’immatériel. Comprenons que ce n’est pas une bataille simplement de l’Est contre l’Ouest, ou du Nord contre le Sud. C’est une bataille du Bien contre le Mal. C’est une bataille du déracinement contre les peuples enracinés, c’est une bataille de la foi en l’immatériel contre la foi au matérialisme, c’est une bataille de l’équilibre contre le déséquilibre, c’est une bataille de la justice contre l’injustice. L’Afrique sera le centre de gravité de ce combat. C’est le centre déjà de cette guerre des mondes. Il y a l’Ukraine dont on parle beaucoup, mais l’ultime centre de ce combat global, c’est le continent africain, matrice de l’humanité, et qui sera le tombeau de l’hégémonie mondialiste. En l’honneur de nos ancêtres, et par foi au créateur qui n’engendre pas et qui n’a pas été engendré. Que la paix soit sur vous tous.
Cources & cycles

La Tradition, la metaphysique, la géopolitique de l'Afrique
Лекции курса: - Les Thématiques de la Spiritualité et de la Science dans l'œuvre de Mbog Bassong
- Kemi Seba: Le globalisme néolibéral: ultime forme du colonialisme (Fr)
- KEMI SEBA : Philosophie de la PANAFRICANITÉ | La conférence
- KEMI SEBA - "NE PAS RÉPÉTER L'HISTOIRE ?" | LIMIT #Afrique #ecologie #France #Russie #Chine
- Kemi Seba n'est pas qu'activiste mais un homme politique africain: son ambition, ses idées, réseaux
- Kemi Seba : Tradition, modernité et conscience noire
- Kemi Seba expose la vision panafricaniste du XXIème siècle
- KEMI SEBA : la philosophie de la panafricanité | Entretien
- Les Thématiques de la Spiritualité et de la Science dans l'œuvre de Mbog Bassong
- Kemi Seba: Le globalisme néolibéral: ultime forme du colonialisme (Fr)
- KEMI SEBA : Philosophie de la PANAFRICANITÉ | La conférence
- KEMI SEBA - "NE PAS RÉPÉTER L'HISTOIRE ?" | LIMIT #Afrique #ecologie #France #Russie #Chine
- Kemi Seba n'est pas qu'activiste mais un homme politique africain: son ambition, ses idées, réseaux
- Kemi Seba : Tradition, modernité et conscience noire
- Kemi Seba expose la vision panafricaniste du XXIème siècle
- KEMI SEBA : la philosophie de la panafricanité | Entretien

1-st Global Conference on Multipolarity (29.04.2023)
1-st Global Conference on Multipolarity (29.04.2023)
The goal-setting motive of our world online congress is the actualization of discussion about multipolarity on a global scale at a high intellectual level.
By multipolarity, we mean not just loyalty to the Westphalian system based on the recognition of national sovereignty, but the balance of "great space", states-continents that unite various peoples and political entities on the basis of belonging to a particular civilization - Chinese, Russian, Islamic, Indian, Western European, Latin American, African, etc.
United under the auspices of the thesis that the peoples of the world are essentially thoughts of God, the event will feature politicians, experts, scientists, philosophers, journalists, writers and public figures from around the globe, including the states of East, South and West Asia, Pacific Ocean, Eurasia, Europe, Africa, South and North America.
The meeting is organized with the support of Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Turkey), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers Forum (China) and the International Movement of Russophiles.
Лекции курса: - The Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Video message by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the participants and organisers of the World Conference on Multipolarity Online, Moscow, 29 April 2023
- Speech by Maria Zakharova at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023
- Alexander Dugin's speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Konstantin Malofeev at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023
- Zhang Weiwei: on Multipolarity and Civilizational States
- Li Xiguang: on alternatives to Western Modernity
- Senator Sehar Kamran: The Importance of a Multipolar World and Equality in International Relations
- Inal Ardzinba's address to the participants of the Global Conference on Multipolarity (29.04.2023)
- Mitsuhiro Kimura on Japan and Multipolarity
- Younoussou Doukansy (Mali) on Multipolarity
- Erdenechuluun Luvsan (Mongolia) on Multipolarity
- Alexander Wolfheze (Netherlands/Hungary) on Multipolarity
- Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent: The Spiritual Orientation of the West and the Geosophical Multipolarity
- Pepe Escobar (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Bobana Andjelkovic (Serbia) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Kemi Seba: Le globalisme néolibéral: ultime forme du colonialisme (Fr)
- Calistrat Marvin Atudorei (Romania) on Multipolarity
- Markku Siira on Finland and Multipolarity
- Alberto Buela (Argentina) on Multipolarity (Es)
- Gabriela Cultelly (Uruguay) speech for the Global Conference on Multipolarity (Es)
- Dr. Dalbir Singh: (India) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexander Kornilov (Estonia) on media and Multipolarity
- Amal Wadan (Palestine) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Keith Bennett (UK) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Luís Ribeiro (Portugal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Branislav Tapuskovic (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vladimir Kršljanin (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dereck Meriton (Seychelles) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (Slovenia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Javier de Lara (Spain) on Heidegger and Multipolarity (ES)
- Nuño Rodríguez (Spain) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (Es)
- Олим Ширинов (Таджикистан) о многополярности
- Maxim Kramarenko (Kazakhstan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Nikolay Malinov speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Guillermo Rocafort (Spain) on the economical dimencion of Multipolarity
- Eftim Kletnikov (North Macedonia) on Multipolarity (Fr.)
- Raymond Abellio et la Multipolarité
- Дмитрий Василец (Украина) о многополярности
- Mikis Filaniotis (Cyprus) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Профессор Никола Аврейски (Болгария) о многополярности
- Marcelo Ramírez (Argentina) on Multipolarity (Es)
- Сулейман Анта Ндьяй (Сенегал) - обращение к участникам Глобальной конференции по многополярности
- Juan Antonio Aguilar (Spain) on Multipolarity (ES)
- Григорий Азаренок о месте Беларуси в многополярном мире
- Gonzalo Collado (Italy-Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Sergey Glazyev (Russia) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexander Markovics (Austria) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Tony Kevin (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vivek Valapoil (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zeinab Mehanna (Lebanon) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Shahzada Rahim (Pakistan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Youssef Hindi (France) — speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Ross Alexander Cameron (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mukadda Bruce Shillingsworth (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Khin Maung Zaw (Myanmar) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- dr. Doğu Perinçek (Türkiye) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Hanieh Tarkian (Iran) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zeinab al Safar (Iraq) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Foad Izadi (Iran) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Rishabh Sethi (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mammadov Elshad (Azerbaijan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Irina Tadtaeva (South Ossetia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Cynthia McKinney (USA-Bangladesh) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Iurie Rosca (Moldova) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Atul Aneja (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Elshad Mirbashiroglu (Azerbaijan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Lanfranco Cirillo (Russia-Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Srđan Mazalica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Guy Mettan (Switzerland) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mateusz Piskorski (Poland) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Jan Carnogursky (Slovakia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Andreja Lovic (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Yannis Rachiotis (Greece) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Keith Bennett (Great Britain) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Pierre Tonna (Malta) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Eliseo Bertolasi (Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Gojko Raicevic (Montenegro) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Elie Hatem (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Franklin Nyamsi (Cameroon) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Discours du Dr Sidibé Fatoumata (Mali) à la Conférence mondiale sur la multipolarité
- Younès Yunuss (Mali) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr Ernest Tchiloemba-Tchitembo (Congo) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Oumy Sene (Senegal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Lucien Cerise (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexandre Guerreiro (Portugal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Enrique Refoyo (Spain) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lorenzo Pacini (Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Israel Lira (Peru) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lucas Leiroz (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera (Colombia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Iubinda Habazoka (Zambia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Carlos Mamani (Peru) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Mario Padilla (Cuba) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Luis Bozzo (Chile) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Manuel Espinoza (Nicaragua) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Jose Francisco Herrera (Costa Rica) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Prof. Alexandre Hage (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Cecile Johnson (USA) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alejandro Valenzuela (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Rodolfo Treber (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Fernando Esteche (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Souleymane Anta Ndiaye (Senegal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Juan Miguel Díaz Ferrer (Venezuela) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lorenzo Pacini (Italy) Final
- Alexander Dugin - Final speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Maram Susli (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Naing Swe Oo (Myanmar) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Tawfique Haque (Bangladesh) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Ajay Kamalakaran (Mumbai, India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Fabrice Sorlin (French) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Arnaud Develay (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Raphael Machado: Courage as a Fundamental Virtue in the Transition to Multipolarity
- Dimitrios Konstantakopoulos (Greece) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vicente Quintero (Venezuela) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Purnima Anand (President, BRICS International Forum) at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023
- The Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Video message by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the participants and organisers of the World Conference on Multipolarity Online, Moscow, 29 April 2023
- Speech by Maria Zakharova at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023
- Alexander Dugin's speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Konstantin Malofeev at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023
- Zhang Weiwei: on Multipolarity and Civilizational States
- Li Xiguang: on alternatives to Western Modernity
- Senator Sehar Kamran: The Importance of a Multipolar World and Equality in International Relations
- Inal Ardzinba's address to the participants of the Global Conference on Multipolarity (29.04.2023)
- Mitsuhiro Kimura on Japan and Multipolarity
- Younoussou Doukansy (Mali) on Multipolarity
- Erdenechuluun Luvsan (Mongolia) on Multipolarity
- Alexander Wolfheze (Netherlands/Hungary) on Multipolarity
- Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent: The Spiritual Orientation of the West and the Geosophical Multipolarity
- Pepe Escobar (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Bobana Andjelkovic (Serbia) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Kemi Seba: Le globalisme néolibéral: ultime forme du colonialisme (Fr)
- Calistrat Marvin Atudorei (Romania) on Multipolarity
- Markku Siira on Finland and Multipolarity
- Alberto Buela (Argentina) on Multipolarity (Es)
- Gabriela Cultelly (Uruguay) speech for the Global Conference on Multipolarity (Es)
- Dr. Dalbir Singh: (India) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexander Kornilov (Estonia) on media and Multipolarity
- Amal Wadan (Palestine) speech at the global Conference on Multipolarity
- Keith Bennett (UK) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Luís Ribeiro (Portugal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Branislav Tapuskovic (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vladimir Kršljanin (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dereck Meriton (Seychelles) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (Slovenia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Javier de Lara (Spain) on Heidegger and Multipolarity (ES)
- Nuño Rodríguez (Spain) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (Es)
- Олим Ширинов (Таджикистан) о многополярности
- Maxim Kramarenko (Kazakhstan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Nikolay Malinov speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Guillermo Rocafort (Spain) on the economical dimencion of Multipolarity
- Eftim Kletnikov (North Macedonia) on Multipolarity (Fr.)
- Raymond Abellio et la Multipolarité
- Дмитрий Василец (Украина) о многополярности
- Mikis Filaniotis (Cyprus) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Профессор Никола Аврейски (Болгария) о многополярности
- Marcelo Ramírez (Argentina) on Multipolarity (Es)
- Сулейман Анта Ндьяй (Сенегал) - обращение к участникам Глобальной конференции по многополярности
- Juan Antonio Aguilar (Spain) on Multipolarity (ES)
- Григорий Азаренок о месте Беларуси в многополярном мире
- Gonzalo Collado (Italy-Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Sergey Glazyev (Russia) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexander Markovics (Austria) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Tony Kevin (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vivek Valapoil (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zeinab Mehanna (Lebanon) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Shahzada Rahim (Pakistan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Youssef Hindi (France) — speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Ross Alexander Cameron (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mukadda Bruce Shillingsworth (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Khin Maung Zaw (Myanmar) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- dr. Doğu Perinçek (Türkiye) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Hanieh Tarkian (Iran) – speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Zeinab al Safar (Iraq) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Foad Izadi (Iran) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Rishabh Sethi (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mammadov Elshad (Azerbaijan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Irina Tadtaeva (South Ossetia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Cynthia McKinney (USA-Bangladesh) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Iurie Rosca (Moldova) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Atul Aneja (India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Elshad Mirbashiroglu (Azerbaijan) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Lanfranco Cirillo (Russia-Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Srđan Mazalica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Guy Mettan (Switzerland) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Mateusz Piskorski (Poland) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Jan Carnogursky (Slovakia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Andreja Lovic (Serbia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Yannis Rachiotis (Greece) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Keith Bennett (Great Britain) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Pierre Tonna (Malta) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Eliseo Bertolasi (Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Gojko Raicevic (Montenegro) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Elie Hatem (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Franklin Nyamsi (Cameroon) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Discours du Dr Sidibé Fatoumata (Mali) à la Conférence mondiale sur la multipolarité
- Younès Yunuss (Mali) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr Ernest Tchiloemba-Tchitembo (Congo) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Oumy Sene (Senegal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Lucien Cerise (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alexandre Guerreiro (Portugal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Enrique Refoyo (Spain) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lorenzo Pacini (Italy) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Israel Lira (Peru) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lucas Leiroz (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera (Colombia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Iubinda Habazoka (Zambia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Carlos Mamani (Peru) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Mario Padilla (Cuba) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Luis Bozzo (Chile) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Manuel Espinoza (Nicaragua) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Jose Francisco Herrera (Costa Rica) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Prof. Alexandre Hage (Brazil) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Cecile Johnson (USA) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Alejandro Valenzuela (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Rodolfo Treber (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Fernando Esteche (Argentina) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Souleymane Anta Ndiaye (Senegal) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Juan Miguel Díaz Ferrer (Venezuela) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity (ES)
- Lorenzo Pacini (Italy) Final
- Alexander Dugin - Final speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Maram Susli (Australia) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Naing Swe Oo (Myanmar) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Dr. Tawfique Haque (Bangladesh) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Ajay Kamalakaran (Mumbai, India) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Fabrice Sorlin (French) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Arnaud Develay (France) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Raphael Machado: Courage as a Fundamental Virtue in the Transition to Multipolarity
- Dimitrios Konstantakopoulos (Greece) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Vicente Quintero (Venezuela) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Purnima Anand (President, BRICS International Forum) at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023