The goal-setting motive of our world online congress is the actualization of discussion on multipolarity on a European scale.
Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European Conference on Multipolarity
Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European ConfeA few words about Multipolarity. In brief I will mention facts, that screen shot a unipolar world from a multipolaritarian point of view.
Recently I heard Werner Hoyer from European Investment Bank warning, that West is at risk of loosing confidence of the Global South. As we all know, countries, who form BRICS and others, that will join soon, are all friendly to Russia. Don’t get me wrong, I never was and never will be in favour of any war, unless it is inevitable. I believe only in strong diplomatic and public relations, that lead to peace treaties!
China’s envoy in Johannesburg described BRICS as a union, that “safeguards legitimate interest” of nations, that wish to join.
Surely western dominance will have a strong opposition. Beneficial to our cause “Multipolarity” enhancing world order. Opposing the unipolar mentality, that is nothing less, than post 1991 dictatorship under the guise of democracy.
Sanctions are an economic weapon, a tool of modern war. Prices for us Europeans surged by 17% this year only because of the economic turmoil caused by sanctions. Surely, the West does not know how to use this weapon, because us Europeans are paying the price or may be EU forces sanctions intentionally.
To no surprise European leading elites, integrated in capitalist opportunities, beneficial to make good money feel very comfortable with Washington dictating and leading towards its vital hegemonic and supremacy ideals. Recent history proves, that a universal “Justice System” doesn’t exist.
Europe’s colonialism robbed Africa from the ability to develop, from its own resources, and the uprise of some African nations that we see today is proof of all this. From media I got to know that 80% of Niger’s citizens do not have access to electricity. Europe never helped, we only take uranium to live a comfortable life.
We reached a point where justice is ignored. Rich and developed countries have politicians, that speak in a biblical ways, but are in denial of foreign crisis, especially in poorer countries. And they manipulate media in their favor so that they look picture perfect in front of their constituents.
The need of Multipolarity is a never ending story. Personally I lost faith in most of the politicians in Brussels, shameful enough sometimes we even see them coming out of office hand cuffed with police. The salaries are good in there, but unfortunately not enough for some. Our European leaders are nothing more then servants and slaves of Washington. We are serving one man, who is a puppet of his conglomeration of capitalist elites. Our western percentage of influence is decreasing and it is time to look towards BRICS to get ourselves involved in the Global South, that has great potentials, but needs our technology and expertise to industrialise it’s countries and create ample jobs and good quality of life to its citizens, who will not need to migrate, but instead invite us to develop and build. We must give Africa back what we took and pay for our purchases. And if Africa is part of BRICS Bank, then Europe will have to bend down and bow low in front of the new monetary Fund.
Future gives us no options, we either seek friendship and partnership or else we will be an island and this only to please USA.
Today I invite all of you to a fresh start. My intention is to build a strong European Multipolar Team. You can call it an international political party. We will be members from all European countries much stronger in many ways than the usual national parties. We need to build trust between us and work together in order to strengthen our voice by means of our followers from Europe that comprises nearly half a billion people. When we achieve this goal, it will be time, that we start our dialogues with Brussels and lead Europe in a new direction. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do not feel, that the majority of Europeans are living freely in peace and with mind at rest. Most of our population is struggling to make ends meet, whereas our leaders are misusing billions of euros to supply weapons and ammunition to kill innocent human beings.
This is wrong, totally wrong and unacceptable. We must be the peace makers and lead by example. We have one thing in common - “Multipolar Future”. I invite everyone for discussion to unite a strong pragmatic team, that can create a difference and work in favor of peace. To overcome the current stagnant and negative air that we breathe. To eradicate fake manipulated news and to turn media into a positive and a healthy platform for our society, that needs stability and truth.
Brussels knows, that a Multipolar world has already started functioning. Denial will only make things worse.
Sometimes it is unbelievable how our leaders manage to complicate our lives at their expense. Instead of making a step forward towards universal prosperity, they drive our countries in an opposite direction, that leads to inflation, recession, economic instability, war and the list goes on.
I have a clear vision of how a multipolar world can function. India, Europe, China, Russia, USA, the global South and maybe one or two more will become the future poles. The first and most important step is “international law” and “international court of justice “. We can use what we have today as a model, but change it according to agreed amendments by all poles. When this is finalised and signed by all poles, then we will have an international system of justice, that all leaders will definitely observe.
ICC is unbalanced, outdated and incapable. One example that I always mention is Muammar Gaddafi , I’m sure, that he should have been given a chance to defend himself in a superior court of justice, because the result of the invasion, as written in history, is assassination without trial.
Finance and economy come second. Each pole must prove itself financially, by using GDP or other economic mechanisms, that are agreed upon. Poles can use their currencies as we do today, but all must be compatible electronically to an international banking system to ease the flow of transactions.
Population is also important when deciding about poles, because the quality of lives is of utmost importance. The negative past ideologies like fascism, capitalism, colonialism and many more have to be listed as history, because facts show us that they only sacrificed lives and sowed the seeds of unhappiness and slavery. Europe was recently called a “garden” and truly so, I love Europe for its culture, we are gifted with diversity and prosperity, gifted with history and art, gifted with our religious beliefs.
Dear colleagues I call all of you today to think about my proposal, I have much more to say, but time is limited, it is time for us to DO not only to think or write articles.
Future geopolitical era will be multipolar. The diplmatic fractures have to be seriously addressed in order to rebuild a solid political base. Undeveloped countries, who are not able to meet demands such as a “Green Deal” can easily attract foreign investment to regularise carbon emission according to acceptable tresholds. But all these need modern open minded politicians, who work hard to reach such goals and who do not fear changes.
It is time for Europe to become a political pole in a multipolar world. Diversity makes our world an interesting place to live in, let us protect every nation’s values and principles, keeping in mind Europe’s interests.
I invite you for further discussion. If you wish to become part of a new team, please do not hesitate to reach me.
Thank you for your time.
Cources & cycles

1-st European Conference on Multipolarity (04.09.2023)
Лекции курса: - The European Conference on Multipolarity 04.09.2023
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- Speech by Maurizio Murelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity read by Maria Pacini
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- Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Alexander Markovics at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mikis Philaniotis at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Guy Mettan at the European Conference on Multipolarity
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- Speech by Luca Siniscalco at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Hanieh Tarkian at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- The European Conference on Multipolarity 04.09.2023
- Speech by Maria Zakharova at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Alexander Dugin's speech at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Stefano Vernole at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Giacomo Maria Prati at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Eliseo Bertolasi at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Maurizio Murelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity read by Maria Pacini
- Speech by Marco Ghisetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Lorenzo Nicola Roselli at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Riccardo Vatelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Luciano Lago at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mirko Preatoni at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Adam Bark at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Alexander Markovics at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mikis Philaniotis at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Guy Mettan at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Andreas Andreopoulos at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Enrique Refoyo at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Alessandro Fanetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Francois Farafin Sandouno at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Luca Siniscalco at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Hanieh Tarkian at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023