The goal-setting motive of our world online congress is the actualization of discussion on multipolarity on a European scale.
Speech by Eliseo Bertolasi at the European Conference on Multipolarity
The Ukrainian conflict as a factor of dissolution of the unipolar world
The world changes, it changes quickly..
Change is before everyone’s eyes and it is getting faster and faster.
We leave behind a unipolar world, led by the United States, where as a military and economic and cultural power (in this case as an exporter of cultural models) it could roam across continents to impose its directives through strategic international policies of either blackmail or force..
Now a multipolar world is forming and structuring before us.
The BRICS are made of five powerful nations. Since its conception, it has now morphed into a giant magnet drawing those nations to itself which aspire for a peaceful world: run with principles of mutual cooperation and above all of “respect”, instead of threats and diktats for execution.
The core principles of BRICS has drawn a long list of nations that now wish to join the BRICS. If this path continues, and I am convinced that it would, it is not hard to imagine the stupendous shifts in the geopolitical and economic realms in the coming years.
This shift from the Western central control system to a more decentralized world- as portrayed by the integration of nations in BRICS is perceived as a direct and obvious threat to the West.
A world awaits us - which does not aim to destroy the USA, but to reduce its power by promoting and placing other powers, other countries or groups of countries, such as the BRICS on equal footing on the global stage.
The conflict in Ukraine, which I remember began in 2014, is not only the result of this change, of this paradigm shift, but today, we can say, it has also become the strong catalyst for this change.
This conflict, only on the surface, is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, in fact this is a conflict of the West, through its military arm NATO, against Russia, on the territory of Ukraine. Ukraine is the means not the purpose for the West’s end game.
Ukraine and Russia have always been linked by many identity ties: cultural, linguistic, religious, the people of the two countries are also linked by a dense and intricate network of individual family ties.
This war was born in 2014, through the Western-inspired coup d’état through the so-called “Euromaidan” uprising - to create an anti-Russia on Russia’s borders and to detach Ukraine from Russia’s area of influence.
The idea and the presuppositions of this action, of this coup d’état, were certainly those of preventing, or at least damaging Russia, which was reborn as a global and hegemonic superpower after the collapse of the USSR.
The USA couldn’t allow it.!! An emerging and powerful Russia would have dented their world leadership.
However, before our eyes we observe the paradoxical result of this conflict, I repeat, conceived and planned by the West which aimed to use Ukraine as a hammer against Russia.. If the initial intentions of the USA were to defeat or at least contain and resize Russia, in order to continue to act as the only world power, on the contrary, now we see that Russia is getting stronger and that a new multipolar world order is emerging and taking shape.
This war is only hurrying the decline of the West.
What is the European Union doing?
In fact, the European Union, having fully embraced US policies, is by now, clearly, an economic dwarf. It is an institution engaged in policies that promises its people a future of lasting and increasing inflation and ever higher living costs, which will assuredly lead to a future of poverty.
In addition to this, the European Union has shown that it is also a military dwarf, in the sense of not possessing any type of political subjectivity and vision of international relations that place European interests at the centre, but only blind and unconditional obedience to diktat of the Anglo-American axis. From a military point of view, in fact, Europe is NATO, which is a military extension of the USA, and which for this very reason will only serve US military plans.
The European Union has been reduced to a “Euro-federal” apparatus in the hands of technocrats, now despised and hated by the majority of its citizen-“subjects”
Probably, if the European Union were to lose the geopolitical game with Russia, which is now being played in Ukraine, it will face a collapse similar to the one that engulfed the Warsaw Pact countries three decades ago.
From here, we understand the tenacity with which the leaders of the European Union support Ukraine in an all-out war: more and more aid, more and more weapons, no to any peace negotiations, but all-out war to the last Ukrainian. It doesn’t matter if Ukraine will come out totally destroyed, it doesn’t matter if many more young Ukrainians will have to die.
The European Union does not want and cannot stop this war. Its interests are totally subordinated to US interests. The interests of the USA do not correspond to the interests of the EU, but are only functional to the power of the USA itself.
So, in conclusion: those who today in Europe have positions of skepticism towards the European Union, those who today are fighting the supranational powers that are ruining their own country, those who today in Europe believe and still aspire to the return of the sovereignty of individual states, they cannot be equidistant, or indifferent to outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
If NATO with its massive support for Ukraine emerges politically defeated from this conflict, then the ties binding Europe to the USA will significantly weaken.
This result will inevitably mark the decline of the Western Bloc as the only world power, definitively opening the world to a new multipolar order.
Cources & cycles
1-st European Conference on Multipolarity (04.09.2023)
Лекции курса: - The European Conference on Multipolarity 04.09.2023
- Speech by Maria Zakharova at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Alexander Dugin's speech at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Stefano Vernole at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Giacomo Maria Prati at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Eliseo Bertolasi at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Maurizio Murelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity read by Maria Pacini
- Speech by Marco Ghisetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Lorenzo Nicola Roselli at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Riccardo Vatelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Luciano Lago at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mirko Preatoni at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Adam Bark at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Alexander Markovics at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mikis Philaniotis at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Guy Mettan at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Andreas Andreopoulos at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Enrique Refoyo at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Alessandro Fanetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Francois Farafin Sandouno at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Luca Siniscalco at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Hanieh Tarkian at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- The European Conference on Multipolarity 04.09.2023
- Speech by Maria Zakharova at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Alexander Dugin's speech at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Rainaldo Graziani at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Stefano Vernole at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Giacomo Maria Prati at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Eliseo Bertolasi at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Maurizio Murelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity read by Maria Pacini
- Speech by Marco Ghisetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Lorenzo Nicola Roselli at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Riccardo Vatelli at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Luciano Lago at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mirko Preatoni at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Adam Bark at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Pierre Tonna at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Alexander Markovics at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Mikis Philaniotis at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Guy Mettan at the European Conference on Multipolarity
- Speech by Andreas Andreopoulos at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Enrique Refoyo at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Alessandro Fanetti at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Francois Farafin Sandouno at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Luca Siniscalco at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023
- Speech by Hanieh Tarkian at the European Conference on Multipolarity, September 4th 2023