Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.
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The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.
Cources & cycles

Лекции курса: - Review: Last War of the World-Island by Alexander Dugin
- Alain de Benoist: Eurasianism and Liberalism. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)
- Iran and Eurasia (Persian)
- Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Shanghai Dugin's Lecture 2 GEOPOLITICS 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony 中国
- Geopolitics of 100 post-revolutionary years of Russia (online with Brazil)
- Review: Last War of the World-Island by Alexander Dugin
- Alain de Benoist: Eurasianism and Liberalism. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)
- Iran and Eurasia (Persian)
- Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Shanghai Dugin's Lecture 2 GEOPOLITICS 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony 中国
- Geopolitics of 100 post-revolutionary years of Russia (online with Brazil)
Дополнительные материалы
Книги к курсу:

Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy is dedicated to the lectures, debates or congresses where the main toplic of the political thougnt and different traditions were dicussed
Лекции курса: - Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019, Amsterdam
- Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)
- Sheikh Imran Hosein: Islam and the West [ENGLISH ONLY]
- Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
- Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Interview with Gholamreza Avani
- Interview with Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad
- On Eurasia in Teheran
- Mark Sleboda: Syrian war and IR
- Against Post-Modern World: Секция II. "Традиция против Постмодерна". Марк Слебода
- Alexandr Dugin. Lecture at Johns Hopkins University
- Интервью Александра Дугина с Фрэнсисом Фукуямой
- About hybrid war
- Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019, Amsterdam
- Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)
- Sheikh Imran Hosein: Islam and the West [ENGLISH ONLY]
- Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
- Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Interview with Gholamreza Avani
- Interview with Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad
- On Eurasia in Teheran
- Mark Sleboda: Syrian war and IR
- Against Post-Modern World: Секция II. "Традиция против Постмодерна". Марк Слебода
- Alexandr Dugin. Lecture at Johns Hopkins University
- Интервью Александра Дугина с Фрэнсисом Фукуямой
- About hybrid war
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Книги к курсу: