Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy is dedicated to the lectures, debates or congresses where the main toplic of the political thougnt and different traditions were dicussed

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Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019, Amsterdam

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Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)

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Sheikh Imran Hosein: Islam and the West [ENGLISH ONLY]

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Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University

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Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.

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Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture

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Interview with Gholamreza Avani

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Interview with Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad

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On Eurasia in Teheran

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Mark Sleboda: Syrian war and IR

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Against Post-Modern World: Секция II.

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Alexandr Dugin. Lecture at Johns Hopkins University

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Интервью Александра Дугина с Фрэнсисом Фукуямой

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About hybrid war

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  1. Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019, Amsterdam

    To celebrate our 25th anniversary, the Nexus Symposium 2019, ‘The Magic Mountain Revisited’, revolved around the themes and music from The Magic Mountain. As if Settembrini and Naptha were alive today, Bernard-Henri Lévy and Aleksandr Dugin debated on stage as defenders of the Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment.

  2. Eurasia: perspectives of multipolarity & Fourth Political Theory (London 2013)

    The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.

  3. Sheikh Imran Hosein: Islam and the West [ENGLISH ONLY]

    Round-table discussion with Prof. Alexander Dugin and Russian intellectuals // ENGLISH ONLY VERSION

  4. Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University

    Geopolitics and International Relations. Lecture of pr. Dugin. Piraias University. Athens, April 2013.

  5. Laurent James: Eurasianism and Spirituality. The End Of The Present World Conference.

    The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.

  6. Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture

    Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture in Institute of International Relations. April 2013.

  7. Interview with Gholamreza Avani

    Interview of Alexandr Dugin with leading Iranian philosopher Gholamreza Avani on Henri Corbin, Martin Heidegger, Sohravardi, ibn Sina.

  8. Interview with Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad

    Interview of Alexandr Dugin with leading Iranian philosopher Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad on Molla Sadra Shirazi, shi'a, philosophy in general. Teheran 17.02.2013.

  9. On Eurasia in Teheran

    Alexandr Dugin speaks on Eurasia in Teheran conference. 19.02.2013.

  10. Mark Sleboda: Syrian war and IR

    Mark Sleboda

  11. Against Post-Modern World: Секция II. "Традиция против Постмодерна". Марк Слебода

    Доклад публициста, политолога Марка Слебоды на секции "Традиция против Постмодерна" международной научной конференции "Against Post-Modern World".

  12. Alexandr Dugin. Lecture at Johns Hopkins University

    США и Россия. Россия при Елицине и Путине. СССР и США. Лекция Александра Дугина в институте Джона Хопкинса. США, Вашингтон, 2005 (english)

  13. Интервью Александра Дугина с Фрэнсисом Фукуямой

    Фрэнсис Фукуяма о вызовах времени, модернизации и вариантах "конца истории" (english). США, Вашингтон, 2005

  14. About hybrid war

    Professor Alexandr Dugin speaks about hybrid war. The opening seminar at European Center of Excellence for Counteracting Hybrid Threats, in Helsinki Finland (11th April 2017).