Gregory Sinenko: What are the pitfalls of radical Ontology/Metaphysics?

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Gregory Sinenko

I would like to present the main results of my philosophical work, focused on the analysis of radical ontological discourse, which is centered at the contradictive category which can be referred to as Abyss, Non-Being, Nothing, Impossible, Totally Other; and etc. First of all, I want to emphasize our attention on thoughts of such contradictive and different authors as Yuri Mamleev (and his work The Fate of Being), Geydar Dzhemal (with his main work Orientation - North), Matthew Wightman (with his series of Kitvei Kodesh HaChol) and Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.

My main statement for this conference is simple: as I can conclude, there is no radical to a satisfactory extent discourse, concerning this Question, that at first impression should be central for such irreducible to each other systems and traditions as Traditionalism, Gnosticism, Apophatic Theology and (maybe) some forms of modern Speculative Realism. As far as I can see, almost any of these ways of expressing the description of such Category is not free from attributing concrete properties to It, which seems to be an act of limiting, of drawing Boundaries towards Something, that always «is not»;. In my report, I want to draw the attention of talented thinkers on this problem and revive this discussion maybe on a more rigorous level than it was previously. I also want to offer my own ways of dealing with this problem, which were presented in Russian language in my recently published book «Последний Чертог».

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