Darya Platonova Dugina BRI 2022 - Multipolar World
✍️The end of the ‘globalist moment’ - what is the frontline? ✍️ BRI? Rimland of Heartland? ✍️Role of Turkey in the BRI project - mediating EU and China? ✍️ Greater Central Asia Partnership for Cooperation and Development (GCAP)? What are the risks for the BRI?
Cources & cycles

Лекции курса: - European Geopolitics
- EBL 9: Geopolitics: Lean Back or Push Forward?
- From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics - Alexander Dugin
- Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Shanghai Dugin's Lecture 2 GEOPOLITICS 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 2 Geopolitics 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony 中国
- Geopolitics of 100 post-revolutionary years of Russia (online with Brazil)
- Darya Platonova Dugina BRI 2022 - Multipolar World
- 'Liberalism Is Totalitarian' Alexander Dugin On Ideology, the USSR, & Multipolarity
- European Geopolitics
- EBL 9: Geopolitics: Lean Back or Push Forward?
- From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics - Alexander Dugin
- Geopolitics and International Relations. Piraias University
- Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture
- Shanghai Dugin's Lecture 2 GEOPOLITICS 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 2 Geopolitics 地缘政治
- Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony 中国
- Geopolitics of 100 post-revolutionary years of Russia (online with Brazil)
- Darya Platonova Dugina BRI 2022 - Multipolar World
- 'Liberalism Is Totalitarian' Alexander Dugin On Ideology, the USSR, & Multipolarity
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