Plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow

The plenary session of the Multipolarity Forum.

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Plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow

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  1. Plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow

    The plenary session of the Multipolarity Forum was on 26th February at 11.30 a.m. in the Lomonosov innovation cluster.

  2. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at plenary session of Second Congress of International Russophile Movement in Moscow

    Mr Malinov,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    I am delighted to have another opportunity to address members of the International Russophile Movement.

    First, I would like to perform an honorary mission I have and read out a message of greetings on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.


    I wholeheartedly welcome you on the occasion of inaugurating the 2nd International Russophile Movement Congress. Delegates from more than 130 countries from all continents have gathered at this forum. This broad representation clearly shows that the international Russophile public movement is growing confidently and gaining new supporters.

    The Russophile Movement substantially contributes to countering the attempts of the collective West to isolate Russia internationally, and helps disseminate objective and trustworthy information about our country abroad, as well as dispel anti-Russia speculations and myths created by propaganda. The movement’s noble activities help preserve and strengthen the traditions of friendship and mutual respect that connect Russians with other nations; it helps unite the Russian world, promote our national culture and its achievements, and expand our humanitarian presence in the world.

    I am certain that this congress will serve as a platform for constructive and meaningful debates during which you will outline forward-looking joint initiatives and projects.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the congress organisers while wishing its participants every success and all the best.

    Vladimir Putin”



    The Foreign Ministry has been keeping a close eye on your successful undertakings since you held your founding congress and has made every effort to assist you in your efforts. I can say that the International Russophile Movement has made great strides in just one year since its inception. Today, we have representatives from more than 130 countries in our ranks, including from the East, South and the West.

    Speaking at the forum held by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives under the title Strong Ideas for a New Time on February 20, 2024, President Vladimir Putin said: “We have more and more supporters in the world, especially in the sphere – this is also something that everyone sees – that we call our traditional values.” Your proactive fruitful work proves yet again that our country and our great culture with its eternal, perennial spiritual and moral compass inspires genuine sympathy across all continents. In fact, Russia has so many real friends who have passed the test of time, and they are everywhere, including in the United States and in Europe. They have gone beyond showing interest towards our country and share the values we stand for. All world religions and civilisations share these values.

    In this context, it seems fitting that the destructive course adopted by the Western elites to isolate Russia, including in the global media and cultural spaces, and the overall determination to cancel everything dealing with our country in one way or another, has failed miserably.

    The broader international community is genuinely interested in an unbiased, comprehensive and honest assessment of the causes which brought about the ongoing geopolitical tension. They, or at least most of them, refuse to accept the misinformation and lies flowing from the media controlled by the collective West.

    Today, all reasonable people understand that the attempts by the Western capitals to deter others from cooperating with Russia would not stop anyone other than those who are behind the initiatives of this kind.

    You have contributed to making this possible. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your dedicated efforts to spread accurate information about our country, and its domestic and foreign policy among your compatriots.

    Russia will continue to move forward as a friendly country that is open to the world, and it will continue to implement a pragmatic and peaceful foreign policy. We will continue to facilitate the democratisation of international politics and its development entirely in line with the UN Charter principles. However, the West flatly refuses to do this or to heed such key principles as respect for the sovereign equality of states and non-interference in their domestic affairs. Russia’s current chairmanship of BRICS and the CIS, our active and constructive work in the EAEU, the SCO, the G20 and many other multilateral formats aim to accomplish these important objectives and to strengthen fundamental equitable pillars of international affairs.

    I would also like to note that we are developing close ties with regional and integration associations in all parts of the Global Majority, including Asian, African and Latin American representatives.  Integration organisations that comprise developing countries exist on all these continents. Russia has established close relations with all of them, and it will continue to develop them in line with equitable and mutually beneficial concepts as a constructive alternative to the policies promoted by the West through the institutions that it controls.

    We will continue to work together with our allies, partners and like-minded persons from Global South and Eastern states for the sake of forging a more equitable multipolar world order that would reflect the cultural and civilisational diversity of the world. It would also aim to ensure the entire humanity’s well-being and prosperity, rather than those of certain representatives of elites from the countries of the Golden Billion alone.

    It is hard to overestimate the role of humanitarian ties between individuals for strengthening friendship and trust between nations. In turn, our history has some “eternal truths,” and we can promote multiple concepts in cooperation with like-minded foreign partners, including ideas set forth by Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy and other representatives of Russian culture in their immortal works. The International Organisation for the Russian Language is called on to facilitate the long-term growth of the Russian language that is consolidating its positions in the international community. It was established on October 13, 2023 on the initiative of President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

    The Russian sports community is looking to the future with confidence, despite the unprecedented politicisation of the international sports movement. Currently, Kazan is hosting an interesting innovative tournament, Games of the Future, involving 161 teams from 109 countries. Plans for this year include other large-scale competitions – the BRICS Games and the World Friendship Games.

    We will continue to make full use of the immense potential of civic, public diplomacy, including youth diplomacy. For example, the World Youth Festival will kick off in Sochi later this week.

    We are always open to humanitarian exchanges and ready to share achievements of Russian culture. We will always be interested in getting to know the cultural masterpieces of our foreign friends. The Intervision international song contest is being planned for late 2024, with dozens of countries showing an interest in participating.

    I am glad to have another opportunity to welcome to Moscow Chairman of the International Movement of Russophiles Nikolay Malinov and the forum activists. Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the challenging work you have done to consolidate the forces friendly towards Russia and willing to strengthen this friendship and reflect it in practical deeds. We will continue to support you. Let me note that Russian public organisations also cooperate with the Movement of Russophiles. In this connection, I would like to note the useful work done by Konstantin Malofeev, head of the World Russian People’s Council, and his team. They are doing much for the success of the International Movement of Russophiles.

    In conclusion, I would like to cordially wish the International Movement new successes, victories and achievements. I have no doubt that you will manage to boost the number of constructive minded and free-thinking participants from many countries. You will always find in us a reliable partner and ally that knows how to appreciate friendship.

    Today’s event will certainly become an important landmark in the context of efforts to further tap the Movement’s potential for the benefit of all states and peoples that are represented here.

    I wish you successful work.
