Old Believers series

Old Believers series

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Old Believers series, ep. 1 - introduction

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Old Believers series, ep. 2: Baptism of Rus, Isidore of Kiev, Possessors & non-Possessors

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Old Believers series, ep. 3: Stoglav Council of 1551

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Old Believers series, ep. 4: Tsar, Third Rome and the Greeks

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Patriarch Nikon - Saint or Heretic? Old Believers series, ep. 5.

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Old Believers series ep. 6: Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov

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Sign of the Cross, blessing and the Nikonian reforms

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  1. Old Believers series, ep. 1 - introduction

    In this first introductory video podcast, we briefly explain who we are and what our goal with this “Old Believers” series is. We invite and encourage all to post questions in the comment section below. We will make an attempt to answer all questions on future episodes of the show.

  2. Old Believers series, ep. 2: Baptism of Rus, Isidore of Kiev, Possessors & non-Possessors

    Old Believers series, ep. 2: Baptism of Rus, Isidore of Kiev, Possessors & non-Possessors

  3. Old Believers series, ep. 3: Stoglav Council of 1551

    Today in the third episode of the Old Believers series we briefly talk about the Stoglav Council of 1551 - why it took place and why it is important for Old Believers.

  4. Old Believers series, ep. 4: Tsar, Third Rome and the Greeks

    Old Believers series, ep. 4: Tsar, Third Rome and the Greeks

  5. Patriarch Nikon - Saint or Heretic? Old Believers series, ep. 5.

    Patriarch Nikon - Saint or Heretic? Old Believers series, ep. 5.

  6. Old Believers series ep. 6: Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov

    Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, his life and his role in the Nikonian reforms

  7. Sign of the Cross, blessing and the Nikonian reforms

    Sign of the Cross, blessing and the Nikonian reforms