Chisinau Forum

Chisinau Forum
Chisinau Forum
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  1. Aleksandr Dugin’s speech at the third edition of Chisinau Forum (2019)

    Aleksandr Dugin’s speech at the third edition of Chisinau Forum (2019)

  2. Levan Vasadze (Georgia): The challenges of modern traditionalism

    The challenges of modern traditionalism

  3. Dugin: 4 political theory, populism VS liberalism

    Dugin: 4 political theory, populism VS liberalism

  4. Yuri Roshka: For a common destiny of the peoples of Eurasia

    Yuri Roshka: For a common destiny of the peoples of Eurasia

  5. Avva Isidor (Mount Athos) The concept of political hesychasm

    Avva Isidor (Mount Athos) The concept of political hesychasm