Technical Issues with Yuk Hui and Aleksandr Dugin

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You can check out some of Yuk Hui's publications here (not an affiliate link):

0:00 Introduction

4:01 Dugin on the technological colonialization of the mind by the West

29:10 Yuk Hui's techno-diversity & de-synchronization

1:03:00 Dugin's Noomakhia as an attempt to restore a Russian epistemology

1:06:50 Russian Orthodox Christianity view of the Singularity (Ereignis)

1:09:28 Dugin's morbid fascination with speculative realism as an unmasked blueprint for the Globalist's project: Silicon value, Nick Land and de unlife ov de Earth, de beautiful black children ov de Satan, arrival ov de Anti-Christ, "Fanged noumen"

1:12:10 Singularity as a MULTI-larity

1:16:00 Artificial intelligence as an "implosion" of the mind